Wednesday, October 29, 2008

1st Tag

Leslie tagged me about a month ago.

8 things I am passionate about...
1. My family
2. The Gospel
3. Cub Scouts
4. Boy Scouts
5. Being prepared
6. Reading
7. My nursery kids
8. Helping others

8 Words or phrases I use often...
1. What the...
2. A..J..C..M.. Whatever your name is...
3. I love you
4. Just a minute
5. Get in the van
6. We're late
7. Good job!
8. Dora and Diego

8 things that I have learned from my past...
1. Don't question what the Spirit has confirmed.
2. Don't focus on "if only".
3. Count your blessings.
4. I have good intentions, but lousy follow through.
5. If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.
6. God loves me.
7. I must like the way my foot tastes because I keep putting it in my mouth.
8. I am too independent for my own good.

8 Places that I would love to go see...
1. Hawaii
2. Alaska
3. Maine (again)
4. Orlando
5. Italy
6. New York City
7. England
8. Australia

8 things I currently need or want...
1. A kidney for John
2. Job security for John
3. My hair trimmed
4. More self control
5. More time to hang out with friends
6. More friends
7. The ability to slow down to my kids' pace
8. A vacation out of state (but #1 has to happen first)

I tag anyone who wants to play.

1 comment:

Anjella said...

That is so fun to find out a little more about you.

I don't really like getting tagged, but I lvoe reading other peoples answers to the tags so I guess it's all good. :o)