Monday, July 5, 2010

Dough Boys

While camping this past weekend, our friend James introduced our family to our new favorite campfire treat--Dough Boys!

To make these yummy delights you need:
  • biscuit dough - the cheaper the better and without the butter flavoring
  • pudding and/or pie filling
  • whipped cream - the spray can adds to the fun!
You will also need some big dowel-type sticks to cook them on. The best is the wood sold for hand rails.

And then you will, of course, need one of these:

First, you put the biscuit dough around the end of the stick so that you can cook it into a nice bowl shape.

Then you roast it over the fire. Slowly. It will take longer to cook than a marshmallow and you don't want to char it like some people do their marshmallows. The more burned it is, the more brittle it will become and that makes it hard to hold the yummies that will go in it.

When the dough is cooked it should slide off of the stick fairly easily. (Side note: the first few times you use your stick, the dough may stick more. We used vegetable oil to prep our sticks before we used them the first time and didn't have any problems.)

The biscuit will be a little doughy on the inside, but that's why they are called Dough Boys.

Now you get to load it up. You can choose pudding or pie filling. The popular choice is chocolate pudding, but I actually preferred strawberry cheesecake pudding.

Then spray some whipped cream on top.

Now you can ENJOY!! But be careful--they can be a little messy!


Laurel said...

Love it! ... And I loved them dough boys tonight! Yummy :)

Thank you so very much for such a terrific evening!! You are amazing and I am SO blessed to have you as my friend :D

LyndiLou said...

yUUUm! :) I never would've thought of doing something like that. Cool!